A Well Rounded Appreciation for Technology

Exploring the interaction between computer software and mechanical hardware

About Bricklab360

Machines are all around us. Complex mechanical devices build our homes, drive us to work, and astound us with views from distant planets. These machines are technological hybrids - a combination of software and hardware, micro-controller chips and gears. As future generations of innovators step into various technical fields, we wonder - What roles will they choose? Which challenges will they take on? What passions will drive them?

Increasingly, we see Early Technical Education programs focus on software and electronics, while offering only rudimentary concepts in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace, and Industrial Design. BrickLab360 programs inspire a well-rounded appreciation of technology and an understanding of the interaction between computer software and mechanical hardware.

We keep our class size low, maintaining Instructor-to-Camper ratio of 5:1 or better. Another important detail that sets BrickLab360 apart is our staff. Our Lead Instructors are Engineers and Early Technical Education professionals, not college students looking for a summer job.

Our curricula are designed by a professional Curriculum Designer and Concept Developer whose past projects have appeared on Comedy Central, Discovery Channel, and KRON-4.

Our Team

Summer 2016 registration closed
We are no longer accepting registrations for Summer 2016. Thank you, and have a great summer!